Do Litterbugs Create Earth Day?


Clean up on Cheney Mountain

The rain held off--actually it was a beautiful sunny Earth Day morning at Cheney Mountain where thirty volunteers pictured below took on a mess of a trailhead.  We bagged up all the trash, cut back the tall vegetation, rolled out a number of discarded tires, carried a few old refrigerators and now the trailhead is cleaned up and an inviting place to begin a great hike.

At the Woods and Swale Trail afternoon project in Westport, we hiked the new trail as the drizzle began and returned to the trailhead along Sherman Road, filling eight bags of trash along the way.  We also beautified around Coon Mountain by cleaning up along Halds Road.

And here's the question--Do litterbugs toss out trash so we have something easy to do on Earth Day?

Thank you to all the volunteers and to all of you for your interest and support of Champlain Area Trails.